Chatham Masons

District Advisors R. W. Brad Gosnell, R. W. Reade Spence, V. W. Alex McLean
R. W. Bro Doug Reycraft
Entered Apprentice R. W. Bro. Larry Wolfe
Social Committee V. W. Bro. Kevin Spence
Blood Donors W. Bro. Don Wadsworth
Bruce B Foster Foundation R. W. Bro. Terry Maynard
Computer Resources R. W. Bro Darrell McAleece
District Chaplin W Bro Fred Osmon
District Degree Team R.W. Bro. Brian Case
Historian / Newsletter W. Bro. Gary Eagleson
District Photographer W. Bro. Tony Droullard
Grand Lodge Regallia R. W. Bro. Peter Polkinghorne
District Records R. W. Bro. Robert Wood
Brother to Brother V. W. Bro. Keith Dickie
District Mentors R. W. Bro. Earl Morwood
Masonic Education W. Bro. Ron Carnahan
Strategic Planning W. Bro. Brian Cryderman
Condition of Buildings W. Bro. Adam Wolfe
District Website R.W. Bro. Mike Smith
District Zoom Eductation Bro. Kevin Jakubec
District Benevolence Bro. Kyle Sleightholm
District Cornerstone Chairman W. Bro. Wayne Pastmore